Every time I make a YouTube video I am reminded: there's a *lot* of irrationally angry people on the internet.
Every time I make a YouTube video I am reminded: there's a *lot* of irrationally angry people on the internet. 7 comments
@gamingonlinux Obnoxious comments on a Youtube video are literally a metric at this point. The more of those you get, the more audience that video generally has. @gamingonlinux please don't oversea the silent satisfied who don't comment at all. usually they're way more than the angry ones. the angry are just louder so they get irrationally more focus as it is intended by youtube i guess @gamingonlinux Better to be angry at anonymous strangers than be angry at yourself, I guess. People are weird. |
@gamingonlinux Eternal September spread far beyond #Usent.
For the uninitiated see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September