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Patch Arcana


If you are bringing back personal/hobby/small-business websites (and you should be), enable RSS.

And TLS, but that's a whole other thing.

Patch Arcana

(Regards TLS, I actually published a guide on how I best like to do it:

As far as RSS goes that gets complex too but less so than you'd think. Some static site generators do though.

Patch Arcana

Why would you put up with this hassle?

So that nerds like me can subscribe to your RSS feeds and be drawn back to your site when you update stuff.

Patch Arcana

Some static site generators and CMSes do this automatically for you.

for example: is autogenerated by Jekyll for me.

Laura ✨🎨

@patcharcana I 100% agree! I have a site that’s just built in HTML/CSS and adding RSS is on my feature list but I couldn ’t find really good ways or resources on how to manually deal with this. I don’t use a static site generator / CMS and that’s mega frustrating! So if you have any resources on hand that would help folks like me please share. I really really really want to make this work 😭 😭 😭

Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
@patcharcana IIRC hugo does generate rss feeds too, or at least most themes I tried do
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