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We have 3 brains. Below our stomach the 1st chemistry brain b/c our stomach receives biology from the earth. Behind our eyes a 2nd brain for electricity b/c eyes receive light in the world we learn from. But there in the time world we need a 3rd brain without location, everywhere, like time. This is our DNA, located at the every center of every cell of our being. The DNA brain is most active through time, always branching itself through time and making change possible in a physical world.


Look at the power of DNA. This beaver has never been in a river and was never raised with other beavers. He's a home pet and was never trained. I read about this and then found this video on Instagram. What is happening in our DNA? Is it more than simply biology? Is our DNA some kind of antenna to our past life identity and understanding of the meaning of life?

Look at the power of DNA. This beaver has never been in a river and was never raised with other beavers. He's a home pet and was never trained. I read about this and then found this video on Instagram. What is happening in our DNA? Is it more than simply biology? Is our DNA some kind of antenna to our past life identity and understanding of the meaning of life?

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