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Johannes Ernst

Consider two scenarios to add the next 10m monthly active users to today's #fediverse:

1) we all block #meta and today's fediverse grows organically by the next 10m users.

2) we interact with as many #meta users as possible from Mastodon etc. via their ActivityPub integration, make our points why this is better, and convince 10m of them to leave meta and come over to apps not run by a surveillance capitalist.

Which of those two is more likely and quickly to lead to success? Food for thought.

Emma Builds 🚀

@J12t the first, since Meta won't be able to embrace and extend.

We're not obligated to help idiots unwilling to leave a platform run by a fascist.


@J12t scenario 2 is unrealistic, and at best very short term (until the genocidal corp pulls the plug themselves and everybody goes back there to stay in touch with those that didn't move). Scenario 1 is the only sensible one.

Benjamin Metzler

(1) Blocking only serves to isolate Meta users, as they may find they can connect with some friends but not others. It would be like trying to isolate your email server from gmail because you disliked Alphabet as a company.

(2) Convincing people to join an alternative server is unlikely as well. Millions of individuals still using AOL despite other email services offering a superior experience. Once connected with their friends, people lack the motivation to migrate to a "better" platform.


@J12t Bear in mind the possibility that Meta disables contact export. This has already been done in Wildebeest, Cloudflare's turnkey Masto fork.

Johannes Ernst

@michaelgraaf how does that favor one scenario over the other?


@J12t It's not an answer to the question, but added context for consideration.

Nemo_bis 🌈

@J12t How successful are we at convincing people to leave their large instances (#MastodonSocial)?

Johannes Ernst

@nemobis good question. But consider: what are your top-3 arguments for people leaving What would be your top-3 arguments for people leaving meta? Compare and contrast?

Nemo_bis 🌈

@J12t Number #1: #privacy policy illegal under GDPR, transfers personal data to the USA. True of both.

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