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Boiling Steam

Firefox 94 inserting VPN ads into private browsing tabs - and marks this as WONTFIX in the bugreport.:

Dreeg Ocedam


The guy posting the bug is absolutely disrespectful. People need to stop being entitled when it comes to other people FLOSS programs that they get for free.

From the bugzilla etiquette:

Boiling Steam

@dreeg The end user is always right. That's how you end up with fragments of % of market share. This kind of shit from Firefox will just make everyone move away from it. Note that this is a very long term user complaining: you don't want to lose them.

Dreeg Ocedam


> The end user is always right.


> That's how you end up with fragments of % of market share.

Obviously, Chrome got that much market share by being super respectful of their users, and not having advertisement. /s

Boiling Steam

@dreeg Chrome has been a superior product to Firefox (technically) for numerous years before Firefox decided to catch up. That's why they lost share. Now what remains is FOSS and Privacy caring folks and Mozilla is shooting ads at them, completely oblivious to who is currently still using Firefox.


@boilingsteam except this is just not true..
As long as Google has enough money to pay as many engineers as it wants, Firefox will always be playing catch up.

You think mozilla at some point in the past didn't care or something?

It is impossible to compete with someone in the web space who defines the actual specs that will end up in the browsers. HTTP3 and many others things are basically created at Google/Alphabet.

Firefox is just trying to survive at this point, finances do not look good

@boilingsteam except this is just not true..
As long as Google has enough money to pay as many engineers as it wants, Firefox will always be playing catch up.

You think mozilla at some point in the past didn't care or something?

It is impossible to compete with someone in the web space who defines the actual specs that will end up in the browsers. HTTP3 and many others things are basically created at Google/Alphabet.

Boiling Steam

@falktx They don't even have a plan on how to survive, and instead they keep doing side-projects (nobody was waiting for them to do a VPN service, it's not like we lack choice) - and paying execs millions instead of cutting down the fat in the hierarchy. They are completely useless at this point.

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