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Hrefna (DHC)

Overall I'm kind of just of the view that blocking #Meta's hypothetical server preemptively is just the most… performative, useless gesture

To annoy everyone who reads this for a moment, however:

It _does_ encompass what many leftists (and liberals) seem to think of as "taking action." A nice moral test. Easy to pontificate about. Feels good. Let's you talk in grandiose terms. Easy for an individual to do. Largely ineffective both short and long term.

I swear we are our own worst enemies.

Hrefna (DHC)

Point 1:

Meta's ability to scrape is not made worse by your defederating except in the most marginal terms.

Point 2:

If I were looking to #EmbraceExtendExtinguish I wouldn't be limited to a single server and I wouldn't be deterred by a few servers who are deciding not to talk to me.

You think Meta is going to shrug their shoulders if the instance of 10 people, foobar.example.baz, decides to not federate with them?

If _everyone_ defederated with them do you think they would just give up?

Hrefna (DHC)

Point 3: ActivityPub is _exceptionally_ weak against a corporate attacker.

Hell, mastodon last I checked doesn't even support the latest version of linked data proofs or whatever that spec is being called this week

It would not be hard for a corporate entity, in the name of security (not even features), to start pushing their own extensions here that aren't backwards compatible and start listing servers that aren't on their spec as "insecure" or "not standards compliant"

They'd even be right.

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