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@sassageflare @kkarhan Dodoid is still around in the SGI scene.. he's working on DFRD (Dodoid Fast Remote Display), a PCI card to offload browser rendering via GL forwarding, to bring the modern web to IRIX 4Dwm desktops.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@flexion @sassageflare Really?

I mean a "web accelerator" would make sense given the aging hardware's limitations...

Sassage πŸˆβ€β¬› Flare

@flexion @kkarhan Ooh that’s good to know! I was just wondering based on his last youtube upload being 3 years ago. πŸ˜‹

Nice! So that's related to his D1 project? He teased that in a video and I thought it was suuper cool!

Sassage πŸˆβ€β¬› Flare

@flexion @kkarhan Whoa, if the project’s coming along now’s the time for me to get an SGI machine. ;Β·P
not like you make me want to get a few dozen already xD
Thanks for the links!

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@sassageflare @flexion +1

Tell #Dodroid I sez hi and we'd all love to see more updated content.

Also there's space on the :fediverse: for #RetroComputing fans including #sgi nerds...

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@sassageflare @flexion Needless to say that I want to see some "Scalable Workstation & Server" to be redesigned and reintroduced.

Like some 19" rack with PCIe switch as "sideplane" and cables to interconnect Mainboards and Storage, GPUs, NICs and all the other "fun stuff" one would love to shove into a "deskside" minirack...

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@sassageflare @flexion Have it's rear be a giant liquid cooling radiator with a bunch of Noctua fans that pull the air through the chassis and out to through the radiator...

Y' know...

Something that would actually be feasible as a design and not some #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solution only...

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@sassageflare @flexion That being said I do have a "boring" HP Z600...

But you'll likely call me a filthy casual for even mentioning a regular-ass #amd64 workstation...

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