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David Wynne

@beto @inherentlee just butting in to point out this, which is there to indicate that Beto was being sarcastic. Tbh, I think that’s fairly obvious, but they still took the trouble to make sure there would be no doubt, and yet here we are.

This isn’t twitter. Let’s not turn this place into an arguing machine too. It’s okay to give people the benefit of a doubt, and take a minute to be sure someone is saying what you think they’re saying.

lee :Fire_Trans: replied to David

@davidwynne @beto they must have added that after my original response, as there was no sarcasm indicator when I saw it

Beto Dealmeida replied to lee

@davidwynne In @inherentlee's defense, I did add it later... I initially thought the sarcasm was clear. Sorry, I should've called the edit out!

David Wynne replied to Beto

@beto @inherentlee my own post was probably a little overly-grumpy. I have not had much sleep. But I should also take my own advice and remember that this is not Twitter. I just get exhausted when I see people who obviously agree with each other getting caught up in misunderstanding-fights like they’re 1970s Marvel Comics characters

lee :Fire_Trans: replied to David

@davidwynne @beto Nah, you were right, and I'm glad you pointed it out to me.

Steven Heywood replied to lee

@inherentlee @davidwynne @beto
Thank you all for the courtesy involved in this discourse and its happy resolution. Definitely *not* like Twitter.

Hat. Cat in an N95😷 replied to David

@davidwynne @beto @inherentlee rofl. Is it bad that i instantly started speculating about specific characters and plot arcs that might describe?

lee :Fire_Trans: replied to Beto

@beto @davidwynne It super wasn't clear to me so I appreciate the edit!

David Wynne replied to MJ

@inherentlee @MJmusicinears @beto I’m sorry, if that’s not a rhetorical question then you’re going to need to be more specific. I don’t know which of us you’re referring to, which post you’re talking about, etc

Morgan replied to David

@davidwynne @beto @inherentlee that doesn't show up on my instance even now :0 thank you for pointing that out lol, federation does have its flaws sometimes

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