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Jyoti Mishra


Dare I ask the Bing AI about Proton?



@Jyoti This smacks of culture jamming, and I really like it. (What does happen if you ask AI 1 to criticize AI 2? Is this the modern version of Captain Kirk's logic bomb: defuse the AI threat by getting them all mad at each other?)


@Jyoti "The Internet Was A Mistake: The Animated Movie!"


@Jyoti Hee hee I love this. This is the correct way to interact with AI.

Jyoti Mishra


I'm hoping, post-Singularity, to be the equivalent of a pet cat for some whimsical AI: I shall be an absolute arsehole but also adorable and deserving of head pats and the odd sardine.

I already have the 4am zoomies...

Floaty Birb replied to Jyoti

@Jyoti @smellsofbikes If there is an AI singularity, the best we can hope for is that the AIs decide to treat us like pet cats.

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