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Pelle Wessman

@Timdmackey @NoraReed Yeah, I would not use that, it would only be safe if the owner of the zip TLD has said so, but much safer to go by what IANA has said themselves

Tim Mackey 🦥

@voxpelli @NoraReed lol definitely not! I just think the fact that an “” domain is even possible is hilarious and absurd 😂

Pelle Wessman

@Timdmackey @NoraReed Well, it could be worse, like if a very common TLD was the same as the file extension of an executable.

Oh, wait 😅

Kyle Davis

@voxpelli @Timdmackey @NoraReed didn’t the com file go out of regular use before the widespread adoption of the TLD? I seem to recall rarely seeing it by the windows 3.1 era: exe was the executable extension most commonly.

Also, we were so naive back then!

Pelle Wessman

@linux_mclinuxface @Timdmackey @NoraReed Here’s another one:

What file extension does a normal MacOS application have? Yeah .app

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