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Dan Jones

There was even a period where Facebook Messenger was XMPP. You could chat with Facebook folks from GTalk and vice versa.

Jabber was going to be THE IM protocol for a while before the big guys decided to wall it up.

@ipg @floppy


@danjones000 @ipg @floppy I'm still grieving. My XMPP is still up, I have 4 contacts remaining and we almost never talk (it mostly serves as a local net com with my partner).

I remember messages starting not to get through with GTalk on either side, no error or anything. The thing died off progressively until they pulled the plug.

I will never forgive Google for that. This scar is also probably the reason I will never trust a company ever again with anything.


@danjones000 @ipg @floppy

Whatsapp is also based on xmpp if I remember my readings. They improved it to reduce its verbosity.

But what is annoying is that, whatever the protocol is, they can technically provide an XMPP bridge for basic direct messaging.

But :
-UX will be crap and users would complain (same as feature incompatibility in xmpp/fediverse)
- there is no business model to support that.

@danjones000 @floppy @ipg @danjones000 @ipg @floppy

Google may be evil, but Microsoft is the master of embrace and extend incompatibly. I'm (pleasantly) surprised that GitHub still works, and still allows open source projects to be hosted for free.
clacke: looking for something πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡­πŸ‡°πŸ’™πŸ’›
@danjones000 @floppy @ipg I'm pretty sure fb never federated, but you could use an XMPP client to connect to it until they suddenly switched to MQTT.
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