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FediFollows ☃️

& picks of the day:

(All of these are FOSS and self-hostable)

➡️ @nextcloud - Host your own personal cloud, with lots of built-in services/apps you can install

➡️ @yunohost - Linux distro which lets you install self-hosting services through a graphic interface

➡️ @freedomboxfndn - Version of Linux designed to make self-hosting services easier

➡️ @homegrown - Site helping non-technical people use managed hosting to run their own online services


FediFollows ☃️

& picks of the day (continued):

➡️ @adminforge - German-language site with tutorials for self-hosting

➡️ @unifiedpush - Push notifications for your mobile apps

➡️ @wallabag - Article-saving service, alternative to Pocket

➡️ @linkstack - Link sharing service, alternative to Linktree

➡️ @veloren - Multiplayer open world voxel RPG

➡️ @Minetest - Voxel-based online multiplayer game engine

➡️ @karrot - Platform for organising community activism


FediFollows ☃️

& picks of the day (continued):

➡️ @securedrop - Secure private whistleblowing service, for journalists, NGOs

➡️ @ownclouders - File storage & collaboration platform

➡️ @ONLYOFFICE - Online office suite

➡️ @cryptpad - Privacy-centric online office suite

➡️ @openproject - Online project management software

➡️ @forgejo - Code forge platform, Codeberg's fork of Gitea

➡️ @synoforum - Forum for Synology NAS users

➡️ @hedgedoc - Collaborative online markdown editor


FediFollows ☃️

& picks of the day (continued):

(These are all Fediverse self-hosting)

➡️ @bonfire - Fediverse server & offline hardware storing your data

➡️ @news - Micro- and macroblogging platform with support for many protocols

➡️ @funkwhale - Music & podcast sharing platform

➡️ @gotosocial - Lightweight and safety-conscious microblogging platform

➡️ @mastohost - Mastodon managed hosting service for non-technical people

➡️ @mobilizon - Events organisation platform


FediFollows ☃️

& picks of the day (continued):

➡️ @owncast - Live streaming and chat platform, alternative to Twitch

➡️ @peertube - Video sharing platform, alternative to YouTube

➡️ @pixelfed - Photo sharing platform



@FediFollows i miss @CollaboraOffice (and i prefer it over @ONLYOFFICE becouse of the licenses and broken wayland support on desktop)

Rafael Masoni

@FediFollows I was so excited for @owncast and went to try it just to find out it doesn't support Apple Silicon Macs.

Amidst people mocking who wants to host livestreams on their Macs, they even said they want to drop Mac support altogether. Not cool ☹️


@rmasoni @FediFollows It's simply a resources problem. I don't own a Apple Silicon mac, and the number of people running Owncast in production on macs are very low. I'm not mocking them, I'm simply saying I can't support them and focusing on the most useful for the most people is all I can do.


@rmasoni @FediFollows Asking for help rarely yields results. Trust me, if it were that easy then none of this would be a problem. I'm sorry you're upset that your particular use case can't be supported, but I'm trying my best.

Rafael Masoni

@owncast I truly appreciate that you're trying your best and I do not doubt it. I know how hard it can be to maintain an open source project of this magnitude. What you have achieved is nothing short of amazing.

I'm upset about how the situation was handled more than anything. That interaction could've been more positive and considering of the people that want to use the product.

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