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paloma kop ⁂

here is a version of the first card in my tarot-esque deck. the idea is to make somewhat abstract drawings based on my interpretation of concepts i've learned from studying and practicing various schools of buddhism.

going to keep going with these and see if i'm happy with this format. this would be the equivalent of a major arcana. not sure how many cards there will be in the end, i think i'll just keep adding to it and see what happens.

paloma kop ⁂

@crash i don't have anything like that set up yet, but maybe once i have enough cards designed to print a solid deck!

i also wanted to release it as a print-your-own-deck set of files and include blank ones if people want to add their own

Liaizon Wakest

@palomakop this is really wonderful. I have wanted to do some version of this for years. can't wait to hold a deck of yours in my hands

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