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Dr. Quadragon ❌

You know what? This is pure conspirology by me, but hear me out.

Tinfoil hat area ahead, awight?

What if, WHAT IF - there actually was nothing all that scary discussed in that meeting the other day?

What if the whole thing was actually a nothing burger set up specifically in such a way that would get us talking about it and make us paranoid?

I mean, it's high-level psyop play, but those fuckers know that we're cautious as shit about them, and they know that trust is earned in drops and lost in buckets, and nothing disrupts trust in FOSS like an NDA meeting. They know this shit like nobody's business, literally, infowar is their bread and butter. Ask 2016 US voters.

Either way, we don't know anything and this is precisely what scares us. The wisest we can do, is SHUT THE FUCK UP and watch. See what next moves will be or if somebody inevitably spills the actual beans.

And sure as shit don't harass anyone over this shit, fucking please!!!

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@drq yet another reason to not sign Meta's NDAs. To not let them play such games with us, and to not create space for paranoia.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@rysiek Sure, but we can't change what happened at this point.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@drq absolutely. But we can and should have a conversation about what happened, and learn from it.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@rysiek I'm not saying we shouldn't. I'm saying we should hold it on accusations until the dust settles and the emotions cool down a bit.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@drq oh yeah, totally. We agree.

Tim @toolbear@ Taylor


The valid complaints about undemocratic decision making & behavior and the lack of transparency [1] doesn't even hinge on whether NDAs were or weren't signed. Or for that matter whether it was even Facebook.


- - -

[1]: an "[oh, haha, we'll see when I talk with FB next week regardless of your easily anticipated objections 🤭]" line of replies last week by the universodon admin is transparency if you squint hard enough I guess


By the way, why don't use a warrant canaries next time? I doubt this is illegal

Eric the Cerise


I know they're supposed to be a bunch of genie-asses over there, but I don't buy it. They actually don't really understand the Fediverse community.

Nothing-burger meeting, behind an NDA just 'cuz that's how they roll...I'll buy that. But Machiavellian-level false-flag stuff?

No. After watching him run this company for 20 years, no. The Zuck is not that clever.

And I'm not freaking out over a meeting. I just don't want FB in here.




I know they're supposed to be a bunch of genie-asses over there, but I don't buy it. They actually don't really understand the Fediverse community.

Nothing-burger meeting, behind an NDA just 'cuz that's how they roll...I'll buy that. But Machiavellian-level false-flag stuff?

No. After watching him run this company for 20 years, no. The Zuck is not that clever.

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