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PSA: CW isn't censorship or "hiding important things". It's like a subject line in an email: the reader knows what's coming so they may choose when to see it.

Alan Bellingham

@irina It's almost the opposite of censorship, because it's saying what *is* there


@bellinghman Yes, that! (I was reacting to someone who says they block anyone who wants them to CW their sensitive-to-some posts. Well, let them block me.)

why do birds

@irina yes thiiiiis. In spanish speaking mastodon almost no one uses it and I just don't feel comfortable in it. Wich is sad as I live in Argentina. That is why I want to build a instance (but no money he)

Karawynn Long ♿😷🏳️‍🌈✍🏻🦊

@irina ... and yet it's not email. Email is private; Mastodon posts are public. (And the historical reason for email subject lines has nothing to do with warnings or sensitivity.)

I have no beef with anyone's CWs, and I am inclined to CW myself if asked ... but I do have sympathy for POC who have issues with being told to put their entire ordinary lives behind a CW.

If they can live through the racism, I don't think the rest of us should object to the occasional glimpse of what that's like.


@karawynn This isn't racism, it's a different issue. Not someone's ordinary life either, but something they're passionate about. (I sort of suspect they're white, though that's irrelevant for the issue)

tusooa :Cat_girls_Emoji_004: 西风
@irina @karawynn I think what they are saying is "someone told people of colour to cw 'racist things that always happen to them in their daily life.'"
Григорий Клюшников

I've always seen CW as a tool to hide content that people might not want to see so they could view it on their own discretion. Movie/TV show/game spoilers, various NSFW content, that kind of stuff.

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