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@Blort @tchambers even without the Extend part, @darius is still wrong. Big Tech walking in and then out again will completely kill the momentum of ActivityPub, exactly like it did with RSS and with XMPP. In these past months the Fediverse has started getting attention and recognition for the general public, creating a possible inroad to its wider adoption. And this is exactly what will be intentionally destroyed by Meta's rug pull.


@Blort @tchambers @darius Big Tech's in-and-out will only leave ashes. The destruction isn't technical, it's social.

Darius Kazemi

@oblomov @Blort @tchambers I don't think big tech entering and leaving will cause people who were here before Nov 2022 to change their behavior much. If the implication is "lack of growth is failure" then you are right but I do not share that sentiment.


Lots of free things existed for a decade or more before the web behemoths existed. We're those failures? Having worked for a company that sold a 10s of $Mns of hardware to AOL just for their Usenet and email hosting. Was Usenet or email a failure before the behemoths.

Océane ⏚

@darius @oblomov @Blort @tchambers The whole point would be to shift, stop, or switch the mass media narrative on the Fediverse. My mum has told me that “apparently, the new social media [was] Mastodon”. For Zuckerberg and his co-groomers, this has to stop.

Océane ⏚

@darius @oblomov @Blort @tchambers IMHO a solution would be to radically criticize socio-capitalist media and expose them as the form of market abuse, child predation they are. We need to strike them first; B92 users have to land in a welcoming, but also in a radically critical culture. We also shouldn't ignore deformation effects by economic capital towards other (cultural, social, symbolic) forms of capital, or towards the left as a pluralistic, bootstrapping process (spanning from grassroots activism to the Parliament, from unions to feminism to free software). The “US” and the French Constitutions (so to speak) don't meet their goals respectively in the former and in the latter scope.

For example B92 could be nice at first, then progressively become so awful that it would stain our reputation.

Anyway, my 2 cents

@darius @oblomov @Blort @tchambers IMHO a solution would be to radically criticize socio-capitalist media and expose them as the form of market abuse, child predation they are. We need to strike them first; B92 users have to land in a welcoming, but also in a radically critical culture. We also shouldn't ignore deformation effects by economic capital towards other (cultural, social, symbolic) forms of capital, or towards the left as a pluralistic, bootstrapping process (spanning from grassroots activism...

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