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Fediverse Welcome Pod proposal cont'd

Admins and moderators of Welcome Pod instances could work together ( or even moslty be the same people )

The instances could have a welcome committee helping people get started on the Fediverse

We can close signups on an instance if accounts go over a limit

We can re-open if accounts go down to 75% of limit, e.g. due to people moving to another instance


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Fediverse Welcome Pod proposal cont'd

Welcome instances can gently encourage them to find long-term instances once they've had some time on the Fediverse

No requirement for people to use the Welcome Pod.

The Welcome Pod would solicit donations from Fediverse to fund the effort

Welcome Pod service could host multiple Fediverse services, Mastodon.WelcomePod.example, PixelFed.wp.e, BookWyrm.wp.e, etc

Wording and logic on all of the above can certainly be improved.
Name can also be better


Fediverse Welcome Pod proposal cont'd

Welcome instances can gently encourage them to find long-term instances once they've had some time on the Fediverse

No requirement for people to use the Welcome Pod.

The Welcome Pod would solicit donations from Fediverse to fund the effort

Welcome Pod service could host multiple Fediverse services, Mastodon.WelcomePod.example, PixelFed.wp.e, BookWyrm.wp.e, etc

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