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the pre-christians resisting the spread of the bible in early iron age Europe does spring to mind. Besides, that with you 100%.


@stonedonkey not sure if "Mein Kampf" was officially banned in Germany. But that would be a possible case...


@stonedonkey looked it up: was never banned. However, the German state became copyright owner and did not permit reprints...


@dr_rugby interesting.. I would have assumed it was banned, thanks for sharing!

Man Blues

@stonedonkey @dr_rugby it can (or could) be bought for research purposes from the US.
This was a long time ago when the internet was a baby...


@stonedonkey Well … I mean …there'll be … for example … err … okay, okay! Hrmpf! You got me — happy!?


@stonedonkey now do guns, alcohol, & drugs. The good guys don’t restrict people’s individual liberties. Both parties suck


@leaveevery1alone @stonedonkey the time for "both parties suck" is whenever one of the parties doesn't actively engage in delegalizing a group of people. First we push back on human rights violations, then we can debate whether some substances or items should be restricted.


@Vividienne @stonedonkey the right to self defense is a human right. The more our govt encroaches on all of our freedoms the more they violate our rights.


@leaveevery1alone @stonedonkey there's right to self-defense and then there's right to ownership of instruments of wholesale harm. Oh, and no amount of privately owned guns will help if the government decides to come for you, simply because they outspend you


@Vividienne @stonedonkey that take is almost as bad as the “you need f15s and tanks to take on the govt”. We’ve lost the last 3 wars against insurgents. If the next is against the civilians, it would be 4.

Kevin Russell


Rome fell, and for 600 years they burned books, banned education, burned people at the stake, killed witches, had racist pogroms and died in massive plagues and epidemics.

Except for "Rome fell" this description of The Dark Ages, is a CPAC motivational speech for Republicans.

Aviva Gary

@kevinrns @stonedonkey Nah... they'd be cool with Rome falling if they got all that...



Something about being self-righteous in religion or as a Nazis which escapes them seeing themselves as the good guys?

Jeevan Chaudhary

@stonedonkey books = ideas. And only 1 group is actively banning and censoring ideas. And it's not who you are suggesting.

Not wanting pornographic content in a public elementary school library is not banning books.



@stonedonkey well, the whole Alexandria, holy wars, Trinity/orthodoxy, dark ages, Inquisition, and heretic/reformist set of things was perpetrated by the "good guys" - if you consider history to be told and not examined. If examined, I'd score it more like a 3/10 because there were moral intents, but you'd probably have to escalate it all as plagiarism anyway.

I see where you were going with that though 👍

Zonk von Fichtenelch

@stonedonkey where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people also - heinrich heine


@stonedonkey totally agree. You should be able to challenge the contents of an argumentative book if you disagree.


@stonedonkey In The Netherlands, Hitler's book #MeinKampf is officially banished to sell. That ban has always been a source for discussion, and when a scientific edition appeared around 2017, the law was not even upheld, and it was put in some bookstores just right next to E W James...
Some historians say that the book is no longer a danger.

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