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Dr. Matt Lee

This one got me the most reply-guys when it was originally posted on Birdsite.

"He must write a lot of JavaScript"

And I'd reply with things like "He doesn't know what JavaScript is"

Tim Ward ⭐πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ”Ά #FBPE

@darkuncle @mattl That would be impressive, that would. Because it costs money. So most people can't be arsed to go through the purchasing/expensing paperwork, so most people wing it rather than reading it.


@TimWardCam @darkuncle @mattl
how about RFC 3339 printed on an actual dot-matrix printer?



Χ“ΧΧ˜ איז Χ“Χ” וואי!!!

Thomas πŸ”­βœ¨

@mattl @trav_stone No one is ever thinking of those poor people who will have to fix the Y10K problem

Trav Stone

@thomasfuchs @mattl we just need to figure out when time ends, and then we can create a system that counts down

Simon W πŸ™„ πŸ†™ βš›οΈ

@thomasfuchs @mattl @trav_stone if they implemented their ISO8601 library properly it's not a problem because you can just add a + - and use more digits.

The only issue seems to be the number of digits sent or received has to be fixed ahead of time which would avoid buffering issues when someone sends a thousand digit date. Given the capacity of 32 or 64 bit encodings of date time to allow more years I think they could have made the year part more capacious by default with YY*


@mattl Switching to that format sure made organizing my digital photos easier (and I have gigabytes of photos).


@analogfusion @mattl I just switch between dd-mm-yy to mm-dd-yy around halfway through the month.

Simon W πŸ™„ πŸ†™ βš›οΈ

@mattl the only problem with ISO dates is they are all based on local time and there's no standard to specify the time zone. It's a constant source of aggravation for app that insist on storing a date instead of date time, or pre aggregating data by day, week, etc. And don't get me started on the impact of daylight savings time...


@enmodo @mattl that's not true at all. The spec includes support for Zulu time zones and UTC offsets.

Simon W πŸ™„ πŸ†™ βš›οΈ

@n2burns @mattl for a date-time. A simple ISO date does not include those. For sure if your engineers decide to store the date-time for the start of day they are aggregating on that's going to work, but people seldom do that. Also if they are aggregating on anything other than UTC they could decide to decide to store the time zone separately but again that's often not the case.


@enmodo @mattl Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like your issue is people using the incorrect type, not the standard itself. Most programming languages have multiple number types, you shouldn't take it out on the language if someone incorrectly uses an integer. Date values shouldn't have any awareness of timezones. For example, my Date of Birth doesn't change if I move halfway around the world, even though my Time of Birth is on a different day.


@mattl @Ruth_Mottram I had to laugh way too hard at that one πŸ˜‚

Dr. Nancy Wayne βœ…

@mattl This is how I date all of my files. It's how things get lined up chronologically. Other formats would be a mess of semi-random order.

EV not Petrol

@mattl It also makes searching files based upon dates easier.

Lisa Hamilton

@mattl I'm sorry but the only correct answer to this question is April 25th :-)


In my headcanon the meaning of this meme is that this woman just slam-dunked the competition. Because that is literally the inverse of an airheaded answer.
Alas I suspect my headcanon's wrong on this one....

Lisa Hamilton

@FeralRobots You would actually be correct since she is a nuclear physicist as her day job. Do you want me to tell you how she comes out in the pageant? I will conceal it. But it's really a funny movie so you might want to watch it :-)


@3x10to8mps I'm torn, 'cuz I'm not sure I'll ever watch it. I think I remember my wife telling me she liked it* & it was one of my mom's favorite movies.
*she won't remember that, because she very memorably once described _Underworld_ as being 'basically about a bunch of pretty things moving fast' & has no recollection of such a boss summary.

Lisa Hamilton

@FeralRobots Haha well that does literally describe Underworld lol. I like her!

Ask her if she wants to watch it with you tonight. If not, I'll tell you :-)

Jigme Datse

@mattl I personally like YYYY-MMM-DD but it tends to depend if I'm talking about something to be read by a human, or something I want easily parsed by a computer. MMM doesn't work well if that is a filename I want sorted by date.


I'm one of those weird people who actually does better with the numbers. Like, I literally don't care if it's "March"; what I need to know is whether it's the third month.

Camille - stature de tragΓ©dien


"ISO 8601" is more accurate in a real conversation 🀣

NYC Glue

@mattl Yeah. Any other date format IS confusing. Just standardized all my Flickr albums to start with that date. I think its called Swedish.


@mattl he got it backwards it's supposed to be DD-MM-YYYY :ablobfoxbongohyper: :blobfox_nerd:


@qthammer99 smallest unit size to largest? That's so weird. You don't tell the time with ss:mm:HH


@ferret i get that but in a Day to day basis, what's more important for you to know, what year or what day? I think it's more a matter of usefulness than smallest- to-largest... But that's my opinion

Dianne Patterson

@mattl Thanks, perfect for one of my classes!

Thom Slattery

@mattl I remember telling a scientist to use that format in his filenames because then sorting would just work and his jaw practically hit the floor.

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