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First it was: "Search is bad now, I'll just use Reddit to find answers.". Now Reddit is trying to kill itself while the search engines inject falsehood generators into their pipelines for weird reasons. Finding information is gonna get a lot harder.


@tante what's up with those falsehood generators?


@purple There's a hype and Microsoft loves how they can have a basically insignificant product but still get Google to lose their shit

Axel Morgner

@tante Can’t help thinking of a big opportunity for journalism. My willingness to pay for fact checked information is growing.


@amorgner @tante Since journalism is mostly a for-profit enterprise and publishing unchecked information is always cheaper than fact-checking, this is going to be difficult in times of end-stage capitalism...

Axel Morgner

@LupinoArts @tante I was thinking of crowdfunded journalism like Krautreporter or De/The Correspondent, but yes, the ties between corporations and the publishing industry are strong.


@tante I’m still waiting for an open-source-ish search engine to pop up whose complete index is community-curated in order to make sure there’s actual value added by accepting this new URL to it.
The need is obviously there.


@tante now all information is available in Discord *not*


Discord is just another data toilet where collaborative effort is going down the drain.


@tante exactly my feeling: and to add to that, the web in general is broken. To find a recipe, a recommendation/test of a product, tutorials etc you go on websites that are full of auto playing videos, cookie banners, Ads that look like articles, weird article recommendations and super long intros that they can place more ads


@tante "But, if you follow the chain of dominoes that falls down what they're really trying to do is shut off our access to information itself.

If they can't do it by law they know there's other ways to do it." — Jello Biafra / Ice-T


@bnlandor @tante without getting too tin foil hatty, I still can't help but think there is an angle here. Think about how much traction subs like r/workreform and r/anti work were gaining. Too much collaboration and unity happening between the peasants.


@tante für unsere (Haupt/Real-) Schüler ist Internet Recherche jetzt over. Sie lesen keine Artikel mehr, sondern kopieren nur das erste Ergebnis ihrer Suchanfrage mit Copy und Paste. Ist auch völlig unmöglich, da etwas einzuordnen, weil ihnen das Vorwissen fehlt. Ich stelle jetzt im Unterricht wieder auf Buchrecherche um oder drucke die relevanten Artikel auf Papier aus. 🤷‍♀️

Jared Davis

@tante and multiple friendships with (borrowing) privileges is the answer.

Let’s coin a new term: call it #polylibrarious ?

Karl Voit :emacs: :orgmode:

@tante You're just using the wrong search engines. 🤷

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