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@jetton @Ecosaurian but of course they have ‘investigated’ and pronounced on their own transphobic articles as being entirely acceptable…that’s ok then, it’s those bloody transgender types moaning about their right to exist again, meanwhile all the CIS journos, TERFs, GC haters, evangelists, Tories, Republicans and fascists will just have that debate without them…hosted by the MSM of course, because it’s controversial innit.

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Ecosaurian 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 :ir:

@TheMorrigan @jetton
There's no convincing bigots.
I saw their pathetic defense of the choice of words. As we all know, words have power.

If they're going to spout their propaganda we explain why it's wrong should other readers see it, then drop them in a sewer and put the lid back on.

No more clickbait, they're now ignored, the ultimate punishment for journalists.

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