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Jewish conversations


My friend, first they came for the Jews - and almost every other group never spoke up for Jewish people then, or now. The antisemitism among many groups today is so strong that people in them take quotes about Jews and the Holocaust - and erase the Jews from it. Like right here, right now.
Allyship is only meaningful if we all help each other - not if one group alone is singled out, and allowed to be persecuted. We can choose to be stronger together in love. That is the way.


@JewishConversations @jetton The first murdered victim may have been Arthur Kahn. Killed 1933-04-12 for being Jewish, true, – but arrested c. 1933-03-22 on (false) communism charges, and murdered alongside three Communist Jews.

So it is not inaccurate to say that "first they came for the Communists" (as Niemöller did, every time he made that speech).

Likewise: 1933-05-06, the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was attacked. 1933-05-10, its books were burned. People were killed.


@JewishConversations @jetton People do edit out the groups they don't like – which entirely misses the point. (marcuse.faculty.history.ucsb.e) And you are absolutely correct about the antisemitism, both then and now.

But you're missing a different point: this isn't about Europe in 1933. It's about the anglosphere, today. Antisemitism's still rife, sure, but not at the forefront of the current wave of hate. Queers, immigrants, and disabled people are being made to die, right now.

@JewishConversations @jetton People do edit out the groups they don't like – which entirely misses the point. (marcuse.faculty.history.ucsb.e) And you are absolutely correct about the antisemitism, both then and now.


@JewishConversations @jetton Nothing you have said here is wrong, per se. But I'm concerned by the strategy revealed by your choice of what to say.

We will not prevent it from happening again by only preparing to fight the last war.

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