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ᵒᵏ wakest

@raphael Apple just announced my perfectly good iPhone isn't getting anymore iOS updates and I know what happens then :(


@liaizon @raphael :thaenkin: what iphone do you have? i've currently got the xr, and i'm worried that it might be made obsolete soon, even though it works perfectly fine and could last me at least 10 years, if not more.

if worst comes to worst and i'm forced to upgrade, i'll probably buy the fairphone since that seems like the most sustainable and more affordable option

ᵒᵏ wakest

@rozina I have an iPhone 8, which is about 5 years old.

ᵒᵏ wakest

@yhancik @rozina well thanks apple, I don't want to be sad so I am glad they won't let me be sad


@liaizon @rozina oooooooooooooh maybe that's the whole point. How nice of them <3

calcifer :nes_fire:

@liaizon @raphael they’ll backport fixes for quite a while though; they still officially support all the way back to the 5S (except the 5C). The bigger issue will be if the apps you rely on will continue to support older major iOS versions—that’s usually the pain point before actual end-of-life is

ᵒᵏ wakest

@calcifer @raphael for sure it starts with apples announcement and then trickles down to the whole ecosystem of development

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