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Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

Computers are like onions. Everything is layers built on layers, and every layer makes you cry. #sysadmin

*sigh*Ber nard

@mwl we're sooo lucky it's usually years old produce. Fresh onions are :flan_cry:

The Actual Brian

@ParadeGrotesque @KindlyWizard @mwl

Our sysadmins designate one of them each day to address the concerns of support.

The sysadmin of the day, or the SADmin.


Nah, we're the ass. :blobfoxdealwithitfingerguns:
@KindlyWizard @mwl


@mwl except when you have a proper (sharp) knife so you can cut through the layers/computers.

Frank Barton

@mwl what about parfaits?
Or 7-layer dip?


@mwl I'm just a basic LInux user and understand this lol. Just got my editing software working after a month of faffing

Lydia Conwell

@mwl And they taste better when they're cooked.

Greg Wilson

@mwl and sometimes the inner layers go rotten but the outer layers still look OK

Michael Lucas :flan_set_fire:

This is my most popular toot since I joined the fedi in 2018.

So I've gotta mute it. Being popular is bad for my psyche.

Mark Shane Hayden

@mwl yeah I found that level of engagement somewhat unsettling too. Not only is it rate that I get attention, it also happened in the complete absence of amplification algorithms. That means I brought the attention upon was All My Fault 😳

Martijn Vos

@msh @mwl

"Engagement" is a weird currency that I don't get. I much more prefer a good discussion.


@mwl Which is why, after 3 decades of messing with computers, I finally switched to healthcare. About the worst thing that can happen to me, now, is a patient pukes on me. When I worked in IT, sometimes, I had to perform perverse acts like finding a subtle error in a maze of m4 scripts for Sendmail.

HistoPol (#HP)



/i: Hyperthreading und parallel processing ist wirklich der ultimative Kick fΓΌr Masochisten /i


@mwl I need @kagan to see this (scroll up from this comment)

Todd Lemoine

@mwl @siracusa

We build our computer systems the way we build our cities: over time, without a plan, on top of ruins.



@mwl oof Iβ€―felt this into my core O^O


@mwl Layercake sounds more sweet, but still makes you cry.


@mwl caramelizing computers also takes more time than usually stated in recipes


@adriano Which resipe mentions this ingredient?!?
But seriously, the good thing is that computers sometimes caramelize themselves spontaneously.


Solomon Schuler

@mwl Shrek's theory was correct: "onions have layers"

Sheogorath 🦊

@mwl Yet, when you make it through the crying phase it can do some really awesome things!

Dermot Hanley

@mwl every layer has its own generation of SRE. 😏

Howard Chu @ Symas

@mwl I first said something similar on usenet, nearly 40 years ago. Can't find an example now, but it got adopted in other folks' .sigs...

Johannes :verified_paw: :donor:

@mwl also, they get better when you fry them … wait


@mwl @SwiftOnSecurity When you peel them. If you use them like the 99.9% out there… ignorance is bliss!


@mwl Each layer lies to those adjacent.
One day programmer-archaeologist will be a major craft.


@mwl and sometimes the layers break down and it starts to smell really bad


@mwl No gain, without pain
--my physics teacher, in school

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