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Discographette's Rerun Era

@torb @megmac I use both! I think mastodon is cool! I also think its full of people I don't really *click with* no matter the instance. whereas on bsky ive found my perfect mix of intelligent shitposters & tired techies *immediately*, like, within HOURS of starting. a feat I haven't pulled off on Mastodon despite putting in *hundreds of hours*

I tried! really did! but I barely touch this place except to read/write a response to a post like this. It's just *so clunky* for me, not sure abt a fix

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Discographette's Rerun Era

@torb @megmac I say this as someone who loves some of the worst, least user friendly software on the planet (old blender, weird text editors like obsidian, etc)

just to be clear tho, I agree with masto's mission + the OP really strongly

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