Maybe the internet being mostly five corporate websites for the past 15 years was a really bad idea.
Maybe the internet being mostly five corporate websites for the past 15 years was a really bad idea. 39 comments
@LevelUp Being a moderator of a medium-sized private hosted gaming forum as a teen was an experience newer generations were never able to have. @Botiplz you're right there. Man, that's depressing. :bunsad: @botiplz Of course that forum is owned by the developer, and I wasn't a teen anymore at the time. And i'd been horrible at the job. @botiplz I’m just glad none of those five corporations was able to execute on their original idea, that it would mostly be ONE corporate website… @botiplz glad to see fediverse picking up steam in recent events, but if this is to be fixed, the growth needs to beore substantial. @botiplz maybe handing the keys to society & existence over to silver spooned Silicon Valley tech bros wasn't a great idea either.... @shantara @botiplz Just saw the r/startrek post on Reddit, saying they were giving up the protest but started a new Fedi community nevertheless, and the first comment under it is probably the baffling example of why this concentration has happened: people got "Internet lazy" and want everything in one place. While understandable, this has been done the very wrong way: instead of massively using standard tools centralising the content (like RSS), we started to expect to have all on one service. @Botiplz yeah really goes to show the complying of data in a few selected places was a terrible idea. Like some good came out of it, in terms of mutual aid and building up networks, but the cost of knowing some day the lights will turn out was certainly frightening. I honestly fear when Steam does this, although I theorise if they try they will have Class Action Lawsuit so massive it could bankrupt Valve. @botiplz The other shoe is figuring out that the whole infrastructure that makes the internet is also run by like 3 companies. @Botiplz Letting the Internet develop as a commercial space instead of a public utility was a mistake.
@botiplz on the other hand, I want the petabytes of data stored on handcrafted organic handmade servers LOL @botiplz Switched from twitter to mastodon and reddit to lemmy all within the same year. who says old people aren't flexible? (yoga helps!) @botiplz @botiplz This is absolutely a tinfoil hat theory but it's interesting to me that only the liberal leaning social media sites are all getting destroyed at the same time |
@Botiplz People don't know how to be free.