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The Real Grunfink
I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.35 of #snac, the simple, minimalistic #ActivityPub instance server written in C. This time is nothing fancy, mostly bugfixes:

Fixed broken URL links with the # symbol on them.

Fixed people-being-followed data loss after not logging in for a long time (actor objects were purged too soon).

Fixed bug that made impossible to vote on polls that were replied to.

Don't show 'ghost' no-longer-followers in the people list.

When sanitizing HTML input, unsupported tags are deleted instead of escaped.

Fixed crash on missing headers while checking signatures.

Mastodon API: several bug fixes (contributed by Poesty), improved account object (contributed by Haijo7).

There is new a user configuration setup checkbox to mark an account as a bot.

If you find #snac useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

Oh, found your account after a several weeks of using snac :)

So, what's about followers counter? Mastodon instances always show 0 followers and 0 following
The Real Grunfink
Hi. Glad you find #snac useful.

It's intentional. I find the lust-for-likes inherently toxic, so there is no way for anybody to infer your worth just by looking at the numbers. They have to read your posts.
Yep, got it. This kind of simplicity is forcing you if not to stop using such software, when just put up with the thought (or just come to it), what "I don't really need it". The goal is to exchange information. Information — is text, if people can't read just text, it's just not your audience.
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