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Ake Lupe

@darth_akeda @forsamori @Meyerweb It always took hardware to run, and it doesn't need to be paid by ads or destructive monetization systems, as many communities survive to this day without it.
Decentralization is the way to go if you are unhappy with being the product. Not everyone is, and that's ok too.
The key to me is not that we are killing reddit or anything, that's just silly talk. What we are doing is building something else. How we pay for it can be discussed and agreed on, not imposed.


@Akelupe @darth_akeda @Meyerweb I’m actively starting to get involved in the building side of this too :D


@darth_akeda looking at starting to work on the mastodon source on GitHub. Just bug fixes at first, probably in React as it’s my day job. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn RubyOnRails too.


@Akelupe Many communities have also failed and shutdown due to finances. Then they have to find a new home which leads to a poor user experience. How it’s paid for is vital and if there’s no agreement then that instance is shutdown. This is not something people have to worry about with big social. Even if they do mind being the product. Peace of mind goes a very long way

Ake Lupe

@darth_akeda I understand what you are talking about, but I fail to see the issue with this topic. It may fail or succeed, independently of where it comes from. (e.g. orkut, google+ in counter-comparison). The difference in what we have with Fediverse is that you can be a part of the solution, you can help build it in many ways, not so much with Big Media, which needs to cater to valuation.


@Akelupe Google plus failed not for financial reasons and not a sensible comparison. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter have been going on 13+ years. The issue is only telling part of the story when it comes to the Fediverse. People can be apart of the solution but often times are not otherwise so many instances wouldn’t shut down. The Fediverse also caters to a certain type of user

Ake Lupe

@darth_akeda That is true, I don't see the Fediverse being for everyone, and that's also part of being decentralized, it's not XOR after all, but being open about it is definitely important.


@Akelupe That is where we differ. I believe the Fediverse can be for everyone. There’s just many spaces (Mastodon) where there is a huge philosophical hurdle with the gatekeeping & HOA behaviour. The Fediverse is about choice & I believe the vocal minority has looked to stifle that. Anyways, it’s very important when discussing the Fediverse. People only here the praises then get here & have terrible experiences

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