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I don't think this is right, as, as far as I know, only a tiny minority of people (~ <5% of users) have left twitter

it is like all the Baseball fans who say, during a strike, we are never going back to the ballpark, and then as soon as the strike is over, they are 1st in line to get tickets

Rich Felker

@failedLyndonLaRouchite @Meyerweb The other 95% are bots. Ok, maybe not all of them. But a large portion of the accounts worth following left a long time ago.


@dalias @failedLyndonLaRouchite @Meyerweb that depends on who you follow. For example, a friend of mine is following everything related to FPGA retro game emulation, and he had to go back or stop getting updates from the community. All the first hand posts happens there according to him.


@gigantos @dalias @Meyerweb
yeah that "95% are bots" is just rank speculation

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