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Staid Winnow

@Meyerweb Except most of Qwitter’s community has stayed. And is the reason reddit is trying out the same for their platform.

The blackouts have a better chance of forcing reddit’s hand if they last. If most are just for 48 hours, they’ll not succeed.

It is not as if that community has another place to move that is as convenient.

It is promising though that 7200 of 7800 are joining in the protest.


@staidwinnow @Meyerweb wait why is appollo app not private right now? Trying to stay neutral?

Staid Winnow

@cygnus_crosseye @Meyerweb

No idea. I don't quite find the creator of Apollo app as authentic a victim as he is portraying himself.

This will clear up in a month or less.


@cygnus_crosseye @staidwinnow @Meyerweb a number of big subreddits have restricted posting instead of going completely dark, so that posts explaining the blackout still appear in r/all


@staidwinnow @Meyerweb 100% agreed. All Reddit as to do to win is to outlast 48 hours. Big whoop.

It’s basically a game of chicken, except one side has already said when they’re going to blink.

My hope it is that it serves as a test and rallying call for the blackout to sustain itself after the 48 hours are over – every revolution needs an on-ramp after all.


@staidwinnow @Meyerweb There's more on a mirror. 8383/8725, but I don't know if that's counting restricted subs: reddark-digitalocean-7lhfr.ond

Paul Oldham 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 💛 🇺🇦

@trebach @staidwinnow @Meyerweb there's more besides. I've taken about a dozen dark. None are listed on those pages.


@tallpaul @staidwinnow @Meyerweb They all appear to be drawing off a list in /r/ModCoord. /r/DetroitLions wasn't on the list for a long time either even though they were going dark because they hadn't told that subreddit that they were going to do so

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