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Staid Winnow

@gern @Meyerweb Qwitter is doing fine. The constant prophecy of imminent doom just hasn’t materialized. Most all celebrities and journalists have stayed on.


@Meyerweb @staidwinnow @gern Isn’t a barely functioning platform full of celebrities and journalists the doom prophesied? It looked like they were talking about getting rid of the block button next.

Staid Winnow

@HeavyMetalWings @Meyerweb @gern No. The doomsayers were certain that most people would leave, and the place would go the way of…MySpace.

Instead, very few are estimated to have left (and not returned.)

Respectable folks like Stephen King, AOC, most all journalists are still bathing in that white supremacy cesspool.

Reality does not change because I despise Musk.


@staidwinnow @HeavyMetalWings @Meyerweb @gern


I wouldn't be so pessimistic, no change happens overnight.
With reddit if the power users leave and big subreddits stop existing users will notice a downgrade in quality sooner or later.

Twitter just depends on famous people showing they interact in other platforms. And those platforms to be newbie friendly

We have seen big sites fall off overtime or at least loose relevance for the top spot as the younger generations shift to new things.

@staidwinnow @HeavyMetalWings @Meyerweb @gern


I wouldn't be so pessimistic, no change happens overnight.
With reddit if the power users leave and big subreddits stop existing users will notice a downgrade in quality sooner or later.

Twitter just depends on famous people showing they interact in other platforms. And those platforms to be newbie friendly

Staid Winnow

@elkaki @HeavyMetalWings @Meyerweb @gern

I am neither pessimistic nor optimistic, simply observing that Qwitter is alive and kicking, and has not been wish-casted into doom as many were prophesizing,


@staidwinnow @elkaki @HeavyMetalWings @Meyerweb @gern and is the source for news articles just as often as before. Almost everyone I know moved back after trying the fediverse for a week and seeing it didn't behave exactly like the birdside 🙁

Staid Winnow

@gigantos @elkaki @HeavyMetalWings @Meyerweb @gern

I always considered the country (US) to be center-right, so this does not surprise me, but it is still depressing to see so many still breathe in that cesspool.


@staidwinnow @elkaki @HeavyMetalWings @Meyerweb @gern talking about non-political IT related news, especially IT security.

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds

@gigantos @staidwinnow @elkaki @HeavyMetalWings @Meyerweb @gern ,Problems Is If The Twitter Support Group Networks, #Spoonies , & Others,

Don't All Or Partial Move To Mastodon, I Know Why People Stay,

I Had An Massive Support Networks Or Others To Share Bad Days, Bad Mental Health Days, Bad Chronic Pain Days, Wanna Raise Awareness Or Chat To Others,

We Need More Than One Social Media Platforms In Bigger Markets Too, I Miss: #GooglePlus Still 😞

Staid Winnow

@gigantos @elkaki @HeavyMetalWings @Meyerweb @gern

I was off from Qwitter for abot a year (pre-Musk) and then joined this mastodon instance and POST.News.

The latter is decent for news but is buggy.

Do not expect news here other than what folks like @GottaLaff provide.


@johnvenr @staidwinnow this is true…. i think the point about twitter is I didnt have to look. I havent used twitter in a while, but news/sports/events all much more in the forefront


@staidwinnow @Meyerweb @gern I think engagement, like # of users posting on a given day, is a much more meaningful metric than number of people who've deleted their accounts. Plenty of people who still have twitter consider it barely usable. And what is it about politicians and millionaire authors that you find respectable?

Staid Winnow

@HeavyMetalWings @Meyerweb @gern

"I think engagement, like # of users posting on a given day, is a much more meaningful metric than number of people who've deleted their accounts."


"And what is it about politicians and millionaire authors that you find respectable?"

Their body of work, their lives, and the fact that millions are persuaded by them.


@staidwinnow @gern @Meyerweb Twitter's revebues fell by 60%, Musk is stiffing suppliers and former employees in order to reduce losses. I don't think Twitter is fine at all.

Staid Winnow

@serklarvel @gern @Meyerweb

Okay. I mean Musk really needs the money now that he is once again the richest person on the planet.

Stiffing other people is...hurting other people, not yourself.


@staidwinnow @gern @Meyerweb he can keep the site running with his money, and I think he will until November 2024 (elections) at least. But it's clear to me Twitter will lose relevance as the time passes. The celebrities and journalists, the most loyal Twitter users until now, will try Meta's Threads since they already have millions of followers on Instagram.

Staid Winnow

@serklarvel @gern @Meyerweb

It may lose relevance in the future, but it has not right now. The doomsayers who were predicting its immediate demise are wrong.

And too many are overlooking the fact that he bought a propaganda weapon that will bring him revenues.

Mody, Erdogan, and Xi demand their opposition be suppressed and he does it. Doesn't one know what they will do for him in return? Space X launch bases, cheap unregulated labor, lab humans for his experiments...


@staidwinnow @gern @Meyerweb I agree he will keep using Twitter for propaganda, this was goal when he bought it.

Staid Winnow

@serklarvel @gern @Meyerweb ...and he is backed by the Saudis, so he won't run out of operational cash.

They might rename it LIVtter soon.

There are bozos paying him $8 a month to troll on his behalf. That may not make much money, but I bet Musk considers that his biggest win so far.

First celebrity to have fans pay him for the privilege of trolling his critics.


@staidwinnow @serklarvel @gern @Meyerweb Spot on @staidwinnow . That’s all I’ve ever observed from his goings on. Destabilize, confuse but keep the propaganda machine rolling. Twitter was a great place for planning and creating dissidence against oppression. Now it’s a war propaganda machine for the far right.

TᴀᴄᴋᴇʀTᴀᴄᴋᴇʀ 🐰

@staidwinnow @gern @Meyerweb That's not quite true, at least not in Germany. A study found that overall Tweets written in German declined by 20%
Relatively small bubbles on average become even smaller & tweet less, which points to a decline in diversity of opinions
The bubble that was predominantly right wing has tweeted 64% more
So Twitter is basically experiencing brain drain, you might not see the people you follow delete their accounts, but they spend less time on it.

@staidwinnow @gern @Meyerweb That's not quite true, at least not in Germany. A study found that overall Tweets written in German declined by 20%
Relatively small bubbles on average become even smaller & tweet less, which points to a decline in diversity of opinions
The bubble that was predominantly right wing has tweeted 64% more
So Twitter is basically experiencing brain drain, you might not see the people you follow delete their accounts, but they spend less time on it.


@TackerTacker @staidwinnow @gern @Meyerweb for what it’s worth, there is so much Germanposting on Mastodon and Lemmy. It’s interesting to see that backed up with numbers


@staidwinnow @gern @Meyerweb and I stopped following them. They know what Twitter is and why people are leaving

Staid Winnow

@LoupDuLoup @gern @Meyerweb I don’t know why celebrities stay on, I have to assume that the place being a white supremacy cesspool is not a dealbreaker for them.

I can understand why the journalists stay on. It’s a big part of their career and livelihood. They are fine with driving up the engagement to Musk’s benefit.

⠠⠵ avuko

@staidwinnow @gern @Meyerweb Stayed on a stage with mostly cryptofapping Nazis (and some minority groups trapped on the platform) as audience.


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