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Steve Karsch 🤘🏻:eagles:

@Meyerweb It’s a forum with ads. We’ve all been using them since the dawn of the time (1/1/1970). They should/will go the way of MySpace, Digg, AOL, Delphi, Prodigy, Compuserve, BBSes, etc. And some other forum will take its place.


@karschsp @Meyerweb the main thing is that there’s no where to go to from Reddit right now.

When Digg collapsed Reddit was already established. What is there now that has a substantial user base?

Its Wizard Time

@ken147 @karschsp @Meyerweb

You may not see another platform like those for a while, but that doesn't mean the people aren't going somewhere. It means they aren't all running to a monolithic platform.

I've realized that all I really need is a combination of Discord, Forums, & Mastodon. It's really not different from when I was a kid.

AIM/ICQ for instant messaging

Chatrooms/Forums for more nuanced discussions based on topic.

Livejournal/Myspace/Friendster for keeping up with our friends.


@ken147 @karschsp @Meyerweb isn't there yet, but it's growing. It's actually exploded since the Reddit blackout, actually.

I think it could be a contender as an alternative at least. Similar to how I was surprised at how alive Tumblr was when I looked for alternatives to Twitter.


@ken147 @karschsp @Meyerweb #Lemmy and #KBin are federated alternatives to Reddit. For Lemmy instances, go to For KBin instances, go to

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