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Will Clark

Every time you hear the Reddit CEO talking about how they need to become profitable, remember they raised $250m and then spent the last couple years building this:

#reddit #HuffmanOut

Snappy/DM me the word 'bread'

@robotdeathsquad There should be an ACTIVE petition calling for Steve Huffman to resign as CEO of Reddit.

Will Clark

@snappy_ranger I gotta assume the Board gave him an ultimatum, so I'm guessing there kind of is, in a way.

Will Clark

@bryanjclark Put in context his AMA has real tiny 🎻 vibes.

Tito Ciuro

@robotdeathsquad @sebj One doesn’t get profitable nuking the source of your wealth. He’ll find out. Painfully.

Zalasur 🐡

@robotdeathsquad Ah yeah, the reason I shut down my account. I remember it well.

❄️ π•Žπ•šπ•Ÿπ•₯𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕 🍎

@robotdeathsquad the recent nft / crypto venture capital frenzy reminds me of the late 90s dot com craziness. Tech venture is so trend / pack oriented.

Will Clark

@mangotable It just really puts their current bullshit in context. Why was NFT avatars ever the plan? And if you're going to invest all that $$ into it, and have it not work, shouldn't you take some responsibility for that not turn around and blame a guy that makes $500k/yr on an iOS app because it's better than yours?


@robotdeathsquad I never understood it when it launched. Seemed like a dumb thing that no one outside of the crypto bros wanted. What a waste of effort.


@robotdeathsquad I was a subreddit mod there a long time ago. unpaid volunteer work. Reddit has been abusing millions for over a decade both by benefitting from the labor of unpaid volunteers and unpaid content creators. early on I loved Reddit. but I grew to hate it and quit it totally

Michael Cook

@robotdeathsquad As an avid user I genuinely had no idea that existed.



@robotdeathsquad Shit, never knew about this.

Makes me even more glad that I nuked Reddit from my life. I want nothing to do with Cryptocurrency/NFT bullshit.


@robotdeathsquad True, but business dudes are gonna be like that. Just move on. Do you really need Reddit?

Plague Ducktor

@glennsills @robotdeathsquad
Considering the first result to almost any google inquiry for how to fix some problem is a reddit link.... yeah... unfortunately for now we kinda need reddit.

Noah W.

It's so fun to remember that four week period where companies thought #nfts were going to be a thing. Glad that crashed and burned.

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