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Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator

It's 'paying up the server' time in a week! If you'd like to chip in, even if it's a buck (imagine if all of the active users on .art contributed $1!), you can do so here:

Any excess over our server cost gets paid to our moderators for their hard work in keeping .art a safe and cozy community.


Jean Cabot

@Curator I did not actually see this post before I went 'wow, I should send something to curator because I've been loving .art so much' and I wish I had because hunting for the support links with a migraine was pathetic (and they were right where they should be, I was just weak and pathetic)

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator

@jeancabot As someone who also suffers from migraines, I know that feeling :bear_hugs: But you're not pathetic, you're fighting brain fights 💪


@Curator What is your preferred or "best" method for recurring, monthly contributions?

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator

@byteborg Ko-Fi and Liberapay both take less of a cut than Patreon so either of those two ^.^


@Curator Is one of those options better than the others in terms of what % you get to keep?

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator

@copper KoFi and LiberaPay are both slightly better than Patreon, but it all ends up in PayPal in the end, heh - so whichever is easiest for you <3


@Curator Thanks! I haven't used LiberaPay but they Patreon and Kofi both come out of PayPal on my side too. Funny how that works.

Nilly Robot

@Curator Aye, aye captain! Thanks for what you do! 💙

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