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remote procedure chris

2022: what if you had to find an alternative to twitter
2023: what if you had to find an alternative to reddit, discord, youtube, every single search engine, and microsoft windows

Joey Gibson :fez:

@chrisisgr8 Wait.. what's going on with Discord? What did I miss?

Tokyo Outsider (337ppm)

@chrisisgr8 2043: what if you had to find an alternative to the Earth?

Houl Floof :neofox_floof__w_:

2024: what if you had to find an alternative to your life


@Houl @chrisisgr8 Browsing most social media sites result in ridiculous CPU usage anyway, so we might as well look for an alternative for the entire web. Something like Gemini but with interactive pages.

halcyon memories

@chrisisgr8 if only alternatives for all those things existed

Supportive Tree-based lifeform

2024 what if you had to find an alternative to wikipedia?@



wait, every single search engine? StartPage too?

Richard W. Woodley NO THREADS 🇨🇦🌹🚴‍♂️📷 🗺️

Can we go back to Alta Vista and individual subject oriented discussion forums


@chrisisgr8 I use Searx for searching stuff on the net. Whenever my searx instance works, that is. On mobile I use Startpage. Google is my last resort.


@chrisisgr8 for messaging, if Discord dies, I'll happily be on Matrix(Element).

giselle reverse trembly voice

@chrisisgr8 I already did this in 2021 cuz I have a school computer and everything is blocked on here :yeojincool:


Nyme anybody got a recommendation for a discord replacement ?


@chrisisgr8 Capitalism is starting to desintegrate everywhere and to survive try to grab any way to make money ( just look at the price of food vs cost of production or the multiplication of transfer from poor to rich from poor taxpayer to rich assholes made by "help to investment" and other BS ) .

We are close to a crisis, that will definitly :
Ever blow the capitalism to a form of Communism that I hope will be anarchist.
OR Descent into a Fascism form of cyberpunk/nazi world where only a fraction of the population will survive under a world that are up of more than 4° globally....

Internet economy is link to the "real world" one : the server are real, the data is stored somewhere, and as the economy slow : the Ad revenue take a plunge therefore they need to find money for the shareholder elswhere...

So this is only the tip of the iceberg, and we are into the titanic looking at it...

@chrisisgr8 Capitalism is starting to desintegrate everywhere and to survive try to grab any way to make money ( just look at the price of food vs cost of production or the multiplication of transfer from poor to rich from poor taxpayer to rich assholes made by "help to investment" and other BS ) .

We are close to a crisis, that will definitly :
Ever blow the capitalism to a form of Communism that I hope will be anarchist.
OR Descent into a Fascism form of cyberpunk/nazi world where only a fraction...


@chrisisgr8 ill just hide out in zelda til everyone gets on mastodon and bluesky


@chrisisgr8 okay so
- twitter: pretty much done
- Reddit: idk but I'm no longer on Reddit
- discord: uhhhh fuck
- YouTube: im fucked
- every single search engine: what search engine could I switch to tho
- windows: l already became a Linux user around 2022

Max :blobcatadorablepink:


Well I did all this in 2020
Much better now

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