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@marcan I think it's a lot bigger in the Arabic world? I've seen a few domains that used their characters, and punycode integration into browsers make it quite painless. It's pretty ugly of a hack, but I also don't see the issue, tbqh.


@ljrk @marcan Usually big websites use ASCII characters for domain names only because arabic is RTL, but for some reason use arabic for sub-categories or article names which renders it in percent-encoding and makes writing the url impossible. For example, Firefox on android does not support punycode integration and displays only in percent-encoding. That is painful. (afaik firefox for desktop requires arabic support packages for punycode integration)

Nicolás Alvarez

@herobrine7gamer @marcan @ljrk punycode is only a thing in domain names, for the rest of the URL it's just Unicode encoded in UTF-8

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