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Landon Epps

@marcan I do see Unicode domains in search results. They tend to be single purpose websites geared toward SEO. I bet it‘s because Google prioritizes a result if the URL matches the search term exactly (e.g. wimax比較.com).

Interestingly [kanji].com is often used in logos, but the actual URL is ASCII. I see 価格.com the most, but there are plenty of examples. The Unicode domain in their logo doesn’t exist, not even to redirect. The actual URL is

Hector Martin

@landonepps Oh, it never really hit me but is indeed a very interesting case.

As for the other one... Yeah, I mean, of course such domains exist. I just mean I've never seen one used by any notable company, advertiser, service, etc., and in particular I don't think I've ever seen one used on paper/offline with the intention of being typed in.

Landon Epps

@marcan Yeah, I've also never seen a notable company use a Unicode domain. I'm pretty sure it's just an SEO hack where they make their domain a common search term.

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