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Megalodon 🏳️‍⚧️

the longer i wait for a new production release, the higher the expectations, huh? anyway, just released one, but don't expect it to be perfect! it never was, never will be. but it has some really, really cool features, compared to the previous version! i don't know when the play store or izzy's repo will publish the new version, but it's only a matter of time. who knows, maybe there will be a few hot fix releases the coming days?

new release, now out:

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Megalodon 🏳️‍⚧️

i summarized the changes from the previous months like this:

- Improved, clearer thread view
- Open accounts/posts by sharing a website to Megalodon
- Load followers/favorites/… listings from origin instance
- Compatibility improvements for non-Mastodon servers
- Option to set post content type
- Support for copying URL from Recent apps on Pixel devices
- Auto-reveal equal CWs in threads
- Bugfixes and UI improvements

(where "Bugfixes and UI improvements" is really the biggest one)

i summarized the changes from the previous months like this:

- Improved, clearer thread view
- Open accounts/posts by sharing a website to Megalodon
- Load followers/favorites/… listings from origin instance
- Compatibility improvements for non-Mastodon servers
- Option to set post content type
- Support for copying URL from Recent apps on Pixel devices
- Auto-reveal equal CWs in threads
- Bugfixes and UI improvements

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