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Me: "In what year was the Battle of Hastings?"

AI: "The Battle of Hastings took place on October 14, 1066."

I'm sorry but it's your credibility on the subject that's suspect. Wild general statements like "LLMs are only for entertainment" are ridiculous. Here are some *reasonable* statements:

"Be skeptical of everything you read, and when it really matters always verify."

"Don't use a hammer to fix your plumbing. Every tool has an ideal use, choose wisely."


@coupland But whats the point in using chatgpt to answer questions like these? I dont know when that battle took place, I have no way of telling if its making things up.

The uncertainty isnt worth it for me, I would rather just make a few google searches and use websites I know are reliable.


@LotusHopper Because for questions that have a simple, deterministic answer LLMs are generally quite reliable and it's WAY FASTER than doing a web search.

As I said, right tool for the job. A search engine isn't really the best tool for simple questions with a deterministic answer anymore. There's a new tool in town that's great if you use it right.


@coupland What is a deterministic answer? Things that dont change with time like demographic numbers?


@LotusHopper Questions that can be definitively answered and that require no interpretation nor change depending on your perspective.

"What's 2+2?" or "What year was the Battle of Hastings" or "What is Miley Cyrus' birthday?"

Questions like "what's the best pizza recipe" or "why is Iran/America/Russia so evil" are not well suited to LLMs.


@coupland @LotusHopper

what year something happened is a statement that requires a lot of interpretation and presuppositions

like, what is an event in the context? what calendar is used? what are the commonly agreed upon limits of the type of event?

just because interpretation seems easy to you and you don't recognise that it happens, doesn't mean it isn't necessary

there are no simple facts, because human language is quite complicated


@troglodyt @LotusHopper Sorry Troglodyt but that's a whole pile of pseudo-intellectual horseshit. There is zero... ZERO... ambiguity to asking what Miley Cyrus' birthday is or what year man landed on the moon. Come back to earth space man.


@coupland @LotusHopper

ok, looking at your feed and your nick i must make a jump and conclude that trying to make conversation with you is an absolute waste of time, you're much too gullible and already totally occupied by less sophisticated forces than my mind

good luck with your faiths little fellow


@coupland lol. you're coming from crypto-dorks instance and have dot eth in display name.

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