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Ade Malsasa Akbar

PowerPC Notebook Project Made an Impressive Progress

Sharing is very appreciated.

Many donors, contributors, and interested people coming in (and still counting!) while they promised the prototypes will come this October. They invite us all to participate in the motherboard name poll and collaboration survey.

💻 ⌨️ :gnu: :linux: :fsf: :debian: :opensource: ❤️ 🌻

#FreeSoftware #Hardware #LibreHardware #GNU #Linux #PowerPC #Laptop

1 comment
Ade Malsasa Akbar

What do you think of IBM #POWER9, #RaptorTalos, and GNU/Linux?

Sharing is very appreciated.

:verified: :debian: :ubuntu: :fedora: :opensuse: :redhat: :gnu: :linux: :fsf: 🖥️ ⌨️ ⭐

#Debian #ppc64el #GNU #Linux

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