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David McMullin


It has been incredibly disheartening to see society coalesce around the idea that there is a large class of people who just don’t matter at all. And everyone I love and am responsible for is in that group.

This is not just the unforeseen consequence of otherwise reasonable choices. People have no shame being explicit about it: “You don’t need to worry unless you’re old or sick.”

And if you •are• old or sick?

Then die already. Who cares.

David McMullin


I may delete this eventually, since I’m not an angry person by nature, and I try to keep things positive here.

But if I sound pissed off about this it’s because I am.

David McMullin


There’s a direct connection between everyone’s decision to go back to normal without any changes, and the fact that I’ll never know anything close to normal again as long as my vulnerable family members live.

People born in the 1930s—especially in certain parts of the world—have more than paid their dues already.

They do not deserve to live the rest of their days under house arrest to support your carefree lifestyle.

At least wear a f*cking mask indoors.


@mcmullin @BlackAzizAnansi I'm the only crew member masked up during this tech rehearsal. I do so to protect my wife, her mother, and anyone else who might be at higher risk for illness.

DaywalkingRedhead 😷

@mcmullin @BlackAzizAnansi You shouldn’t delete it. People need to see it. People need to understand that their choice to deliberately expose everyone repeatedly to a mass disabling event WILL affect them, sooner or later. They chose to shove us off the cliff, not realizing our ankles are shackles together. When they are disabled by the 3rd or 4th or 5th round of infection, they’ll come to us, whining and shocked and upset, looking for help and compassion. I have a firm policy of Self inflicted gets no sympathy.

David McMullin

@DaywalkingRedhead @BlackAzizAnansi

I won’t feel better in 5, 10, 20 years when the people who don’t care about the sick and disabled now are sick and disabled themselves. I hope to have compassion even if they don’t. But I’ll remember though.

DaywalkingRedhead 😷

@mcmullin @BlackAzizAnansi I won’t feel better either. I hope I’ll be able to be decent to them. Right now, watching them, having been abandoned for over three years, have nothing but rage and disgust. Maybe that will change.


@mcmullin @BlackAzizAnansi they also endanger my "cautious close to normal" as an immunocompromised person because avoiding large crowds of people and wearing my mask in public when possible only protects me if at least a few other people also do that. wearing a mask to the grocery store only protects me if there aren't a lot of carriers shopping maskless. avoiding strangers only works when the people close to me are at all cautious. I'm grateful at least my spouse is, but a lot aren't :/

David McMullin

Exactly—it’s not the kind of thing one person alone can protect themself from. Public health has to be public or it doesn’t work.

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