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Nona #DarkGranny

@BlackAzizAnansi I'm still taken aback when entering a medical facility with mask on and the person at the door says "Oh, we don't require masks anymore"
... all the more reason to wear one, IMO


@BlackAzizAnansi @Nona1 I bet they also don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom, but we never had a way of telling in the past.


@Nona1 @BlackAzizAnansi Any medical setting is a breeding ground of sickness, and most illnesss is transmittable. The only reason we are all not more sick is because of immunity, and the disease in question is not very infectious. Silly humans, all of our science and we still don’t get it. We are not superior to all life forms and I guarantee there is one lurking around that will bite us in the ass one day. COVID was not the one. Hardly a scratch.

Nona #DarkGranny

@ForeverTepsMom @BlackAzizAnansi 100% agree. Wearing masks could help all of us stay healthy, whether its COVID or a different germ.

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