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River :v_trans: :verifiedenby:

@BlackAzizAnansi All the brainwashing. Even very informed, intelligent people whom I think think it's over and/or now "endemic"

Urban Hermit

@RiverEnodian @BlackAzizAnansi
And endemic just means that a lot of us are going to die 7 years earlier from another form of pneumonia that eats out your lungs from the inside. It is not like endemic means that it just mutated to be harmless over night.

But, people get exhausted over the number of things to be alarmed about, so maybe they can't be better?

River :v_trans: :verifiedenby:

@Urban_Hermit @BlackAzizAnansi People have NO idea what "endemic" means is a huge chunk of the problem.

calcifer :nes_fire:

@RiverEnodian @BlackAzizAnansi I mean, it IS endemic now. As in it is regularly found within the population. That we've let something this infectious and virulent become endemic is maddening. It's still harming huge numbers of people.

Endemic does NOT mean "safe" or "not worrisome"

River :v_trans: :verifiedenby:

@calcifer @BlackAzizAnansi Regularly found implies predictability. We have seasonal flu, etc. This isn't. It's the same levels now as we had when we had everything locked down.

Eva Amsen

@RiverEnodian @calcifer @BlackAzizAnansi It doesn’t have to follow a predictable pattern to be endemic. Measles is endemic too and that’s not seasonal.

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