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@tripleo @martijnbraam the thing is, we as application devs have had distro maintainers break and limit apps for years. Specifically using the correct/patched ffmpeg version seems challenging. I remember Debian completely breaking it for e.g. which is a bad look for the app on that platform.


@martijnbraam I see Flatpak as a great way for developers to package desktop software in a way that mostly works on all distros, and also offers some sandboxing.

If distros like the software, they should package it, and its users should install the "native" package. But until then, it's a better solution for most users than compiling from source.

Martijn Braam

@dbrgn well the annoying trend is that developers refuse to acknowledge issues if it's not happening on the flatpak or are straight up telling distributions to not package the software


@martijnbraam @dbrgn or even threatening distributions legally because they packaged the software (including artwork and name)

Monster Ⓐ
This is a good thing. Applications made as Flatpaks are intended to be used that way. Issues often come from traditional packages not being up to date, or simply packaged with the wrong packages. If a developer has nothing to do with this, why would they want to fix it? Oftenly, how CAN they even fix this? If a developer tells packagers to not package their application, they should listen to this.
This is a good thing. Applications made as Flatpaks are intended to be used that way. Issues often come from traditional packages not being up to date, or simply packaged with the wrong packages. If a developer has nothing to do with this, why would they want to fix it? Oftenly, how CAN they even fix this? If a developer tells packagers to not package their application, they should listen to this.

@martijnbraam Bit out of the loop on this one; aside from Bottles devs, what other apps have developers refusing to acknowledge issues from non-Flatpak packages and/or telling distros to stop packaging them?

Martijn Braam

@win8linux Fractal, Workbench, Authenticator from the top of my head

Hugo 雨果

@dbrgn There's a new trend coming up of software specifically tailored to run on Flatpak where the authors are quite hostile of anyone trying to run their software elsewhere (and dismissing issues outside of Flatpak).

I feel like this anti-portability stance erodes the ecosystem so much.

Maxi 9x 💉 ~ @ GPN

@martijnbraam I recommend to put the article’s title into your toot here.

Maxi 9x 💉 ~ @ GPN

@martijnbraam Also, "does have it's uses" should be "its" without apostrophe.

@martijnbraam i feel like flatpak is the windowsiation of package management. it has its use cases but it is rare, i only want a flatpak or appimage for old university software i have somehow to use and isnt up to date anyway....


Nobody says distros are evil. Flatpak is beneficial/complementary to distros:

* Less work for distros
* Enables read-only rootfs
* No breakage for apps

The sandbox works. You're complaining about GNOME Software and cherry picked an app which doesn't support isolation (yet?).

> painfully shoehorned into Github workflows

That's Flathub and only a matter of time.

> impossible to run the nice Gnome Builder IDE without having your application in a flatpak.

Not true.


Nobody says distros are evil. Flatpak is beneficial/complementary to distros:

* Less work for distros
* Enables read-only rootfs
* No breakage for apps

The sandbox works. You're complaining about GNOME Software and cherry picked an app which doesn't support isolation (yet?).

> painfully shoehorned into Github workflows

Hugo 雨果

@sonny There's been plenty of breakage in apps while introducing dependency on some of Flatpaks's daemons. Eg: the first time I try to save a file in Firefox, it fails due to trying to use a FileChooser portal (even if no such thing is locally available).


@whynothugo I really cannot care if your system doesn't have portals installed -_-

Hugo 雨果

@sonny Not caring doesn't make your statement true.


@whynothugo you realize that missing dependencies is one of the thing Flatpak protects against?

OFC if you miss a Flatpak component it's not going to work.

It's like complaining you don't have audio because Pipewire isn't installed.

If your distro doesn't support Flatpak properly complain there.


@sonny @whynothugo But don't you see that the model breaks there? Portals are not a hard dependency of flatpak. This means portals are either a hard or soft system dependency of individual flatpak packages. Regardless of what's the case, it's handled poorly, because it's possible to install those packages without having portals and if that was intended then they just don't fail very gracefully.

Now this is totally fixable. But only if it is acknowledged.

James Westman

@sonny @martijnbraam Also, flatpak-builder isn't the only way to build flatpaks. You could definitely make a tool that builds a flatpak from a list of dependencies (IIRC Fedora's repo does this?)


@martijnbraam I tend to think static binaries built with musl (those built so as to have no depencies other than the kernel itself) can still offer a distro-agnostic executable, similarly to Flatpak, AppImage or Snap try to achieve, yet being a lot simpler, faster and smaller. I cannot understand why they seem so underrated, though.


@martijnbraam I agree, that usb stuff should get worked on, but I needed to install udev rules for normal packages too to work. So that part doesn't really make sense to me.

But no usb events is the real deal breaker for me right now (well I still use/maintain those packages)

Martijn Braam

@razze the nice thing with normal distributions is you can just package udev rules and it works automagically for end users. No such option with flatpak


@martijnbraam funny that that never seemed to work for me or packagers didn't do that then. But I only tried on manjaro (aur) and fedora.

I also thought udev rules wouldn't be needed, if you make that device known to systemd in the first place? At least I think that's what georges suggested.

Which means udev shouldn't be needed for flatpak to work.

Martijn Braam

@razze works fine, i have the openswitcher application that is packaged on Alpine and Debian and it ships some custom udev rules to allow plugdev users to access it. Systemd is not really relevant here unless they invented something new again



Sounds like what we need is a proper API and user defined per app/device permissions.

Discussion started here

Drew DeVault

@sonny @martijnbraam "sounds like what we need is [new wheel to reinvent but worse]", sounds like flatpak to me. The idea of flatpak is fundamentally broken.


@drewdevault @martijnbraam

In your sentence, replace "Flatpak" with "Wayland" and you get the main argument of anti-wayland people.

Let's keep the conversation practical 🙏

What's wrong with platform APIs with better security and user control ?

Drew DeVault

@sonny @martijnbraam platform APIs with better security and control sounds great. What's wrong is the implementation


@drewdevault there is no implementation for USB / devices.

I assume you mean existing platform APIs.

Beside a few bugs and missing features, is there something fundamentally broken about how portals work?

Drew DeVault

@sonny @martijnbraam wow your response addresses none of Martin's points and has nothing to do with flatpak at all


@drewdevault that was a response to the blog title.

I addressed some of the points in other toots. Check my posts and replies.

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@martijnbraam 100% this with both my developer and packager hats, specially as becoming your own distro just for your software is a pain in the ass while having a proper distro just allows to delegate the work of maintaining the dependencies or even just share it cleanly between your own applications.
418 I'm a Teapot

@martijnbraam one wonders why we bother with shared libraries anymore. since we're obviously well past the point of caring about ram and disk space, most of what flatpak tries to accomplish would be more easily done just building a static binary. then people who run the software can be suspicious of binaries in the traditional way because software does stuff, and not given a false sense of security by a weird packaging and distribution system...


@chainik @martijnbraam There should never be point of not caring about RAM and storage
Shared libraries and much lower disk usage is what I love about GNU vs. Windows not fitting 50GB and beyond system partition

Martijn Braam

@speaktrap @chainik even statically linked software is not nearly as space inefficient as flatpaks are.

@chainik @martijnbraam

> one wonders why we bother with shared libraries anymore.

First thing that comes to mind is that I wouldn't be fond a world where libssl (and friends) exists in 50 versions on my system, because each and every package that need it bundle it. I'm not saying this is an end-all argument for anything, just pointing out that it's not a silver bullet.
@chainik @martijnbraam

> one wonders why we bother with shared libraries anymore.

First thing that comes to mind is that I wouldn't be fond a world where libssl (and friends) exists in 50 versions on my system, because each and every package that need it bundle it. I'm not saying this is an end-all...
@chainik @martijnbraam

And second thought, more meta, is that collaboration takes work and effort, but provides long term benefits in my experience.

Shifting to a world where application developers need to care less about collaborating (eyes to Chromium for example) is maybe great for the short term (read this as great for prototyping ideas quickly), but just not that great for the longer term (space efficiency, security issues, bug fixing). Free software at least should be a common ownership to all.

Personally, I look to nix as a good way forward for dealing with this divide between "all for devs", or "all for the community". Dependencies will be shared automatically between packages without any involvement of the packager person.
@chainik @martijnbraam

And second thought, more meta, is that collaboration takes work and effort, but provides long term benefits in my experience.
Adam Chovanec

@martijnbraam You raise good points about security updates, it didn’t occur to me earlier that it can be a burden on the developers. On the other hand this gives distribution maintainers more time to work on core features.


@martijnbraam I really disagree with this post, but it's still a good discussion to be had. While there are some issues with flatpak still, especially concerning unpacked vulnerabilities in statics dependencies, the flatpak developers have shown commitment in addressing the problems in one way or another. The fact of the matter is: there is way too much great software out there for a distro maintainer to reasonably package, and flatpak helps with that problem immensely.

If it means that developers no longer have to care for distro specific bugs in most cases I see it as an absolute win. Sure, straight up asking packagers to not package it is a bit extreme, but I can also understand it if they were getting spammed with issues for packaging methods and distros they explicitly do not support. In the end, most OSS developers do it in their free time and for the community, and anything that makes the tedious packaging part easier for them in a reasonably secure and compatible way is a good thing.

@martijnbraam I really disagree with this post, but it's still a good discussion to be had. While there are some issues with flatpak still, especially concerning unpacked vulnerabilities in statics dependencies, the flatpak developers have shown commitment in addressing the problems in one way or another. The fact of the matter is: there is way too much great software out there for a distro maintainer to reasonably package, and flatpak helps with that problem immensely.


@martijnbraam although I hadn't thought of the point that flatpak is just another distribution with a not very feature rich package manager, and that much is pretty fair. It's just that there currently aren't any better solutions other than nix, which is way complicated for most users.

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