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maya 💀

virtual nightclub where you're required to register a sequence of alternate avatars with descending poly counts that the server can force-toggle, to enable them to keep the graphics load manageable as more people join. the final option: a small glowing orb. people refer to how crazy an event got by how many attendees were reduced-to-blob

Amy Toebeans

@maya the see me blobbin'. they hatin'. we don't mind, we blobbin' to the blump blump blump of the beat

eri :vlpn_smol:
@maya unironically though, a vr hangout with strict LOD requirements would be swag as fuck

i would consider allowing for a billboard instead of a blob though
Lucky Zelle ✨

@maya this literally happens at the club i work in on Second Life, the LOD settings are automatic but when an event is really popular we all have to dial back our settings and everybody is reduced to what is called "jellydolls" which are colored silhouettes, or glowing orbs (the final form,)

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