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Kydia Music

Do you ever think about where the music comes from when you're put on hold with a customer service rep? Of course you don't. You only think about yourself.

#MusicMemes #ADHDMusicians #CustomerService #HoldMusic #ElevatorMusic #Comic #Funny #Meme

Credit: Zach/Extra Fabulous Comics

Octavia con Amore

@KydiaMusic But seriously, I appreciate good hold music so much! Not just good music, but also good quality audio so it's not butchering an otherwise good piece :bugcat_dance:​

Rabbi Nathan Farb

@KydiaMusic There was a really interesting podcast I once heard about the mysterious hold music, and the process of tracking down who actually made it.

some cat

@KydiaMusic @OctaviaConAmore just gonna take this opportunity to publicly admit without shame that i quite like muzak (and muzak-esque things) and have asked to be put back on hold for the next available person, several times, because i was busy grooving. i've also taken elevators beyond the floor i needed to be at for the same reason.


@KydiaMusic It always terrible here. The doctors is especially bad, even the quality of the audio 😖

Kydia Music

@getkraken Aww, that's too bad.

Here is some good elevator music for you to enjoy:

Schlockluster Video

@KydiaMusic Turns out my customer service representative was Chuck Mangione the entire time ....

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