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Matheus Fantinel

Latest news (basically charging a ridiculous price that makes 3rd party apps non-viable) serves as yet another reminder of why Mastodon and the are beautiful!

Even if someone wants to ruin things, you can always change instances/apps/defederate and keep using this tool, it’s not in the hands of anyone.

Third spruce tree on the left

@fantinel Oh shit. Not too.


Good-by Reddit-Is-Fun (and I paid for that too)

Matheus Fantinel

Reminds me of this great article:

“these miserable online experiences are symptoms of an underlying disease: (…) the user's experience has become subordinate to the company's stock price. (…) tech companies have monetized confusion, constantly testing how much they can interfere with and manipulate users. As a result, our collective online experience is getting worse — it's harder to buy the things you want to buy, search for information, and to socialize with people.”

Reminds me of this great article:

“these miserable online experiences are symptoms of an underlying disease: (…) the user's experience has become subordinate to the company's stock price. (…) tech companies have monetized confusion, constantly testing how much they can interfere with and manipulate users. As a result, our collective online experience is getting worse — it's harder to...

AudraTran :debian:

@fantinel I've seen the de-evolution of services like YT, Netflix and all the streaming services, Real estate websites, social media websites like Strava and Instagram, etc.

They all want to just hit you with a wall of shit you don't care about and hide everything that might actually interest you. I don't understand it. I just quit using them.

John Colagioia

@fantinel Years ago, software developers were asked to be mindful of the "bus factor," as in how many people your project of choice could afford to get hit by a bus, before the remaining people were lost.

We all need to look at the corporate version of this, now: How much money would it cost to change this organization's direction in a way that will make it less acceptable?

You basically have three models: Corporations, non-profits, and federated systems, and the first has no protections...

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