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@drq Oh, Wikipedia, lol!

The funny thing is the claim of the notion of "Transgender genocide" in this article refers to Jones, Adam (2017), who wrote nothing about transgender genocide in his book and Waites Matthew (2018) who mainly oppose Lemkin who initially defined it as "race" or "tribe". Matthew argues that in his opinion it is not correct as "race in biological terms is a fiction" and prefers to focus on the cultural aspects of "tribe" but not biological. This is very arguable and the discussion supposes to be still open, as it's not clear then whether was it Jew 'genocide' in Germany as most of the German Jews didn't identify themself as "Jews" actually but culturally identified themself as "Germans".

This is better to use precise terminology that conveys meaning but not emotions. I understand that "genocide" is a strong word whose connotation can be used to increase the emotional aspect of the message, but I suppose that for this particular situation words like: "discrimination", "persecution", and "attack" better fit the context.

Dr. Quadragon ❌


> words like: "discrimination", "persecution", and "attack"

... don't paint an adequate picture. It's targeted extermination.


@drq So, what happened? Are any facts that evidence "targeted extermination"?


@drq There is a news article in this thread that says that new law is being amended to prohibit medical professionals from performing gender reassignment surgeries, with the exception of anomalies in children. Both medical and legal gender change at a person's request will be prohibited. Which is indeed discriminatory.

But there is nothing about "targeted extermination".

Maybe I miss something?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@oleg_ru You miss the knock-on effects of these legislations. You fail to see the forrest for a tree and read between the lines. And the lines are fucking clear, and have been long ago: you can't transition legally, you can't transition medically. They are trying to *erase* the whole category of people.


@drq Perspective indeed is not bright for Russian transgenders. And it is horrible and of course that should be discussed. But there is no "transgender genocide", and no systematic "targeted extermination" (yet).

I believe that there is some kind of mistake in your statement. If you speculate, at least you could add some markers such as "COULD BE", "SHOULD BE" or "WILL BE" if you are strictly sure of your point. Otherwise, your statement can be considered a lie.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@oleg_ru You're not listening, are you.

I will repeat: "They Are Banning Every Kind Of Transition, Both Legal And Medical". Which is what being trans is all about. And without which, there *will* be mental health deterioration, and there *will* be suicides.

What is it if not targeted erasure? That's what they're going for, that's what their goal is.

TrueFlash🏳‍🌈:party_parrot: replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

Yes, and what you describe is discrimination. As with any other discrimination, there could be a wide variety of subsequent secondary effects. It *can* cause mental problems and subsequently *can* affect suicide rates. But it doesn't mean it will be so in magnitude that we can call it "genocide" or "targeted extermination".

And again, this is really horrible, and consequences for the society could be very dramatic.

TrueFlash🏳‍🌈:party_parrot: replied to Dr. Quadragon ❌

@drq Omg, moreover, it's just a law draft and still there is a chance that it will not pass. However, in modern Russia, I would call this chance "miraculous" as 90% it will.

TrueFlash🏳‍🌈:party_parrot: replied to DELETED

@th3rdsergeevich Well, if you don't see that I highlight the problem in every post and appeal to rising this discussion and attract attention, you probably deliberately expose me as part of the problem which is not a really decent way for such discussions. What I am arguing against is a misuse of strong words that create biased and distorted meanings and left no room for further discussions in a constructive manner.

If you call an apple as a "lemon" appealing to the visual similarities of these two fruits, how are you gonna call a lemon then? If you call them both "lemons" how to distinguish between these two objects by the similar signifier?


@th3rdsergeevich Well, if you don't see that I highlight the problem in every post and appeal to rising this discussion and attract attention, you probably deliberately expose me as part of the problem which is not a really decent way for such discussions. What I am arguing against is a misuse of strong words that create biased and distorted meanings and left no room for further discussions in a constructive manner.

TrueFlash🏳‍🌈:party_parrot: replied to DELETED

@th3rdsergeevich LOL, "it's just a draft". What problems with the understanding you faced reading the text after the "However" word in the same post? Or you just aimed to demonize me by taking my words out of context?


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