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ohh yeah, 90MHz! well, technically, 99MHz (the oscillator is 66MHz instead of 60MHz).

aeva replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime shouldn't Operating System/2 Version 3 just be OS/3

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

strangely enough, when i connect my other type 4 complex (a 486DX2-66), i get the same DMA timeout error, so this "fix" is definitely a hack and doesn't really fix the root cause.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

(i've already disconnected all the logic analyzer cables, so i'll have to look at it some other time.)

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

well, that was fun--i'm glad i was able to get it to boot.

Chartreuse replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime always felt weird that even on IBM hardware that supports it, that OS/2 cant do an ACPI soft shutdown. Even OS/2 4.52

Darryl Ramm replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime Half a warped OS...

The whole IBM fumbling the Star Trek thing with OS/2 and the Warp name silliness was pretty amusing.

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