@bagder Considering that gemini started out as a though experiment on a phlog that someone else implemented …

Thanks for having a look at the protocol! (I invested quite a bit of time to develop one of the first graphical gemini browsers)

That being said: There is a gemini specification that was being worked on over at https://gitlab.com/gemini-specification but it looks pretty dead now.

There also is one giant flaw in gemtext: While easy to write and parse isn’t great for expressing semantics and encourages abusing unicode and ACII-Art for conveying Information, making it … not very useful beyond the content it was intended for.

Some content feels a bit like marking something as a red font color in an Office document and expecting everyone to be able to see and interpret that part as important, just in the complete opposite direction when it comes to the technology being used.

It is fun though! But it will never scale (having read the original phlogpost when it was new: Mission kind of accomplished, I guess).